Propolis is a vegetable matter
True! Propolis is a crop made by bees from the buds of certain trees. It contains resinous substances, gummy and balsamic, from plant origin. The bees coat the entire hive to defend it against attacks, particularly infectious germs.
Propolis contains several active ingredients
True! In fact, it contains not less than 400 compounds, including a large number of substances acting in synergy. The most important include:
- Flavonoids: they are pigments plant, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antispasmodic (chrysin, pinocembrin, galangin, quercetin…)
- Phenolic and aromatic compounds: they have their specific activity, and generally have antibacterial, antifungal and immunostimulant actions (caffeic, benzoic, cinnamic, coumaric acids…)
- Essential Oils: pinene, eugenol, guiaol and others are well known for their antiseptic power
Propolis has no nutritional virtues
False! With all these protective properties, propolis adds a nice range of vitamins and trace elements. These are almost all present, including gold, zinc, magnesium, copper (important for immune defenses), iron, etc…. This is an advantage to the therapeutic action of propolis. It can also be combined with other natural active, plants (eucalyptus, echinacea…), essential oils (myrtle, mint…), royal jelly, honey, etc…
Propolis is difficult to use
False! Is is the contrary, and today galenic forms that are offered for the sale allow you to respond to all situations. Nasal sprays or oral sprays, lozenges, syrups, food supplements and even lip balm, you have the choice. Nasal spray or oral spray, lozenges, syrup, food supplements and also lip stick, you have the choice.
Propolis is used only in treatment
False! Propolis is dedicated into a prevention plan of winter diseases. In general tract, it boosts immunity, locally, it empowers mucosa capacity to defend itself. Otherwise, it will be a key element in the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinos, rhinitis, sinusitis, and also ear infections that result from. In this case, you can combine several forms, local or general.
Propolis is efficient against the flue
True! Propolis, especially if combined with other products from the hive acting in synergy can be very effective in prevention but also when the flu symptoms have already been reported. Here there are some APIMAB products that may help you to overcome winter pains.